Operator side

What happens after operator receives the call


In order to perform video verification of users, operator must have the following:

  • 💻 A device with working camera and microphone.

  • 🌞 A well-lit environment.

  • 🛜 Stable internet connection.

Receive the call

The call center operator initiates the session from the management interface and sends it to the applicants.

The operator can either schedule the session for a specific time or agree on a date with the applicants. The applicant is already aware of when to make the call, and the operator is prepared to receive it. Once the applicant initiates the call, the operator answers, and the video identification process begins.

One-on-one call

When the operator and applicant are on the call, the operator will see a video call frame in the left corner of the interface. The operator is able to see both themselves and the applicant on the screen.

Video call frame

The video call frame includes top and bottom panels.

Top panel:

  • Call duration indicator

  • Device settings - operator can adjust device inputs, such as camera, microphone and speaker.

  • Full screen - operator can expand the video call frame to full screen or minimize it.

Bottom panel:

  • Audio - turns the microphone on or off.

  • Video - turns the camera on or off.

  • Capture - takes a live screenshot of end-user and saves it in the session.

  • Steps - operator selects which steps applicant should complete, depending on business processes or applicant needs. Steps are described here.

  • Start button - initiates selected step on the applicant screen.

Operator can repeat these steps as many times as the process requires. After the applicant has completed all required steps, operator can review all details in the session and receive a decision on whether to approve or reject the applicant session.

The decision to approve or reject the session is based on the operator's protocol. However, our system will provide all necessary recommendations based on end-user's scanned documents, liveness video, or other completed processes.

Multi-user call

Unlike a one-on-one call, in this scenario, the operator can receive multiple incoming calls. The operator can connect up to 10 participants simultaneously, depending on the business process requirements.

In the video call frame, the operator views all participants at the same time and initiates discussions about the process. The operator can select a participant and begin the process individually. Steps may vary depending on the participant's position in the overall process.

In this scenario, the operator may need to approve or reject the "parent" session, which consolidates all applicant sessions together. This decision depends on the company's protocol.

Last updated